Types of Smoke Detectors to Protect Your Denver, Colorado Home

Types of Smoke Detectors to Protect Your Denver, Colorado Home

Types of Smoke Detectors to Protect Your Denver, Colorado Home | Doctor Fix It Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electric

Every year there are nearly 350,000 house fires across the country. These result in a wide range of property damage and injury to homeowners. Any fire can have devastating consequences. This is why it’s so important to do all you can to prevent and catch fires early.

Making sure you have adequate and reliable smoke detectors is one of the first steps for protecting your family against a house fire. But it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

This smoke detector guide covers the different types of smoke detectors. Use this information to find the right ones for your home so you feel safe and confident.

Smoke Detection Technology

All smoke detectors have the exact same job; notify the house when smoke is present so it can be put out fast. But the way the machines do that varies depending on the specific type you choose to install.

The most common type of smoke detector uses ionization technology to watch for smoke. Inside the unit, you’ll find an electric current moving between two plates through ionized air. When smoke is present, the ionized air becomes polluted and can’t carry the charge.

This disruption in the system triggers an alarm to sound as a clear sign that there is a problem in that area.

So many choose this type of smoke detector because it will detect large flames from a fire quicker. But it can also have more false alarms because other things in the air can have a similar effect on the current’s movement.

Photoelectric smoke detectors make up most of the rest of the smoke detectors you’ll find in homes. With these devices, a similar process occurs but with a light source (either ultraviolet or infrared typically) instead of an electrical current. When there is a disruption to that source due to pollution in the air (from smoke), an alarm will sound.

These systems generally work better at the very beginning stages of most fires, where there is more smoldering going on than full flames blazing. Since many fires start this way, photoelectric detectors tend to be slightly more accurate than other options.

A basic understanding of how each type of system works will help you decide which one you’d like in your home so you can narrow down your search from the beginning.

Mode of Power

Once you’ve determined which detection method you’d like to incorporate into your home, it’s time to decide how you’d like your smoke detectors to get power. You have two simple options for this decision; battery-operated or hardwired into your home’s electrical system.

Both can work effectively to make sure your smoke detectors are constantly screening your home for potential problems. But they will require a different level of smoke detector maintenance depending on which option you choose.

Obviously, when you have anything battery-operated you’ll have to switch out those batteries when they die. So you have to be vigilant in making sure you’re on top of the battery-changing schedule. Missing the time to change your batteries means your home is vulnerable to a fire going unnoticed or unreported.

But having batteries to power your devices also means you can place them wherever you’d like and handle the job on your own.

Hardwiring your smoke detectors means you will never have to worry about them not working unless the power goes out altogether. You’ll need to search for electricians near me to find the best choice for installing and getting your detectors set up properly.

Placement Requirements

No matter what smoke detectors you decide to add to your home, there are set minimums for how many you should have and where they should be placed. But it’s a good idea to look at what the potential ranges are and plan for exactly where you’d like them placed while doing your research.

You’ll want to be sure that the detectors you choose have a range that will match the layout of your home. It would be devastating to find out that there were areas left vulnerable because of where you installed the devices.

Each smoke detector should specify its range to help you make your decision and guarantee that your home is fully secure and safe. In all cases, it’s better to have too many smoke detectors than not enough. Adding an extra one or two will only help you feel more confident that you’ll know if something is going wrong.

Smart Technology Compatible

In recent years, it has become very popular to add smart technology to regular household items. Things like garage doors, lights, and thermostats can all be controlled through apps on mobile devices from anywhere in the world. This kind of technology adds so much convenience to life and also can help you feel more secure.

Some smoke detectors include some of this smart technology as well. With these options, you’ll be able to watch your home when you’re away and receive updates in case the alarm is ever triggered.

With these options, it’s important to make sure they are installed correctly using the best Colorado electricians so you know everything is functioning how it’s supposed to be.

Types of Smoke Detectors for Your Home

With all the different types of smoke detectors on the market, you’re sure to find the ones that will work best for your specific home. When you take the time to research all your options, you can move forward with the installation process with confidence that you’ll be satisfied with your choice.

For those who choose to install hardwired smoke detectors, the next key step is finding an electrician who will get the job done efficiently and correctly. The last thing you want is a malfunction to happen in your system due to faulty electric work.

Our team of Denver electricians has all the knowledge and expertise to set up your smoke detector system with ease. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to get the installation started!

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