Allergies? How Clean Vents and Other Household Chores Can Help

Allergies? How Clean Vents and Other Household Chores Can Help

Pollen season is just a few months away-it can arrive as early as March, if Denver has an early spring-and you’ll know it when it arrives. High altitude mountain valleys like Denver’s are hotspots for heavy pollination, and hay fever and seasonal allergies can make life pretty miserable for a few months.

You can’t do much about the pollen in the outside air, but you can keep your home nearly allergen free this spring. Doing so reduces hay fever symptoms dramatically and helps your family breathe easier, especially when they sleep. For people who suffer from itchy eyes, swollen throats, runny noses, and irritated skin, the gift of a clean, allergen-free home can make all the difference.

Clean Air Means Fewer Allergies

When you want to reduce allergen levels in your home, the most important thing you can do is have a professional clean your vents and install an indoor air filter.

During the year, your home’s vents gather all kinds of things that can cause or aggravate allergies, including:

  • Dust mites
  • Dirt
  • Plant materials (including pollen)
  • Mold
  • Pet dander
  • Dead skin

These allergens pollute your home’s air and can make life extra uncomfortable for people who suffer from seasonal allergies each spring. When you have your vents cleaned by a professional, you ensure that your HVAC system doesn’t aggravate your family’s allergies.

Additionally, an indoor air filter can make an enormous difference this pollen season. Air conditioners and some heating systems use outside air to cool or heat the home; an air filter captures pollen, dirt, and other allergens before they can enter your HVAC system and wreak havoc on your family. Air filters are proven to improve air quality in the home and reduce allergy symptoms each spring.

If you or anyone in your family suffers from severe seasonal allergies, your first step should be having your vents cleaned and an air filter system installed.

Tidy the House to Eliminate Pollen

The second most important thing you can do to reduce allergens in your home is to clean frequently. A deep clean at the beginning of the pollen season can help get rid of hair, dust, dead skin, mold, and pollen in the home, all of which can be very irritating to sensitive sinuses and worn-out immune systems.

After you deep-clean, make sure that dust is kept to a minimum by tidying and dusting each room in your house frequently. Use cleaning supplies that use all-natural ingredients, as some chemicals can aggravate hay fever. You may also want to cover your upholstered furniture and avoid using it, as upholstery is a perfect place for allergens to hide.

Some homeowners focus on a different room each day so that cleaning the home isn’t so overwhelming. Others designate a few hours each Saturday morning to a thorough cleaning. Whatever your strategy, make sure that you’re wiping down all surfaces and getting rid of as much dust and dirt as possible.

What About Pets and Kids?

Pets and kids are two things that can aggravate allergies more than almost anything else. Some people are extremely allergic to the skin and hair of dogs and cats, and kids bring dirt and allergens into the home because their hygiene habits aren’t as developed as those of adults.

There’s no getting rid of your kids during allergy season, but you can reduce the allergens that kids produce by bathing your kids thoroughly every day. A good scrub will help keep toddlers from tracking in too much dirt. If you or someone in your family suffers from severe allergies, you may need to have your kids bathe and change their clothes when they come in from outside.

The same rule applies to pets-keep them as clean as possible to reduce their effect on your allergies. The less hair and dandruff that can come from an animal during allergy season, the better. Severe allergies may require you to find another home for your pet, but try bathing and brushing your pet frequently first to see if that improves your allergies.

Remember, a quality air filter can help reduce the allergen-related effects of kids and pets in your home.

A Few Other Tips

These other household chores can also help reduce allergens in your home’s air:

  • Wash all bedding (pillowcases, sheets, and blankets) once a week in hot water.
  • Keep windows closed and depend on your home’s AC to keep you cool. Contact your HVAC specialists if your AC system needs a tune-up before pollen season arrives.
  • If possible, remove carpeting in your home and keep hardwood, linoleum, or wood floors clean.
  • Remove clutter and other things that collect dust.
  • Take out the trash every day and remove old or expired food from the refrigerator.

You might also consider having a professional install a humidifier in your home. The cool, humid air can help relieve allergy symptoms and help your family sleep better during allergy season.

Allergy season is coming, but don’t let it affect your family’s health or lifestyle. Contact your HVAC specialist today to get a head start on your allergies.

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